How to Pickle Vegetables Best and Easy Way

I’m a big fan of pickling. It’s a great way to preserve fresh vegetables and make them last longer, it’s easy to do at home and you can even make your own flavour combinations. Here’s how I do it:

How to pickle vegetables

I’m a big fan of pickling. It’s a great way to preserve fresh vegetables and make them last longer, it’s easy to do at home and you can even make your own flavour combinations. Here’s how I do it:

What you will need to start pickling

You’ll need some jars with lids – sterilise them in boiling water or in the oven if you’re planning to keep your pickle. You can use either jars with built-in lids or screw-top lids. Make sure they are clean and dry before filling up with your vegetables.

Recycling is a great way of reducing waste and saving money so don’t feel that you have to buy new jars if you don’t want to. Many charity shops sell old or unwanted glassware, which is just as good quality as the new stuff or simply save any jam jars you use.

It’s best to use a pickling recipe

If you’re new to pickling and want to make sure your veg is getting tender rather than mushy, use a recipe. See our intro to pickling for the basics.

It’s best to use a recipe, so you know how much salt and vinegar to use. This will also help make sure that your veg is getting tender rather than mushy.

Pickling is an excellent way of preserving vegetables, just keep them sealed in their jars and they’ll usually last for around a month.

Store your pickled vegetables in the fridge after pickling

Once your pickles are prepared, they should be stored in the refrigerator. Pickles can last for months if stored properly.

Technically they don’t have to be stored in the fridge but they should be kept in a cool dark place, keeping them refrigerated will help them to last longer.

Pickling is easy!

Pickling is easy. It’s also delicious, and a great way to preserve your favourite vegetables – out of season. Plus, it’s fun! You can experiment with different flavors and ingredients depending on what you have on hand.

So there you have it. There’s nothing to be afraid of when it comes to pickling your own vegetables, as long as you follow the simple steps. As with anything in life though, the only way to really find out if it works for you is by trying!

An easy guide on How to pickle vegetables

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